draw in


draw in 的定义

v. 动词 verb

  1. to become shorter
  2. to arrive at a station

draw in 近义词

draw in

等同于 induce

draw in

等同于 inhale

draw in 的近义词 11
draw in 的反义词 1
draw in

等同于 pull in

draw in

等同于 retract

draw in

等同于 breathe

draw in

等同于 contract

draw in

等同于 co-opt

draw in

等同于 enmesh

draw in

等同于 gather

draw in

等同于 hunch

更多draw in例句

  1. In Dresden, Germany, anti-Islam rallies each week draw thousands of demonstrators.
  2. This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.
  3. Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
  4. Anyone who tries to draw attention to threats instead of quietly burying them is worsening the problem.
  5. Earl Spencer adds, “Effectively, my great-grandfather sold his children to his father-in-law.”
  6. It was one of those long moments that makes a fellow draw his breath sharp when he thinks about it afterward.
  7. Such throats are trying, are they not?In case one catches cold; Ah, yes!
  8. The commander-in-chief still kept him attached to the headquarter staff, and constantly employed him on special service.
  9. So far Murat had always held subordinate commands; his great ambition was to become the commander-in-chief of an independent army.
  10. Their jurisdictions overlapped and the Gascon would play second fiddle to no one save to his great brother-in-law.